Customize and copy pre-built regexes for Discord's AutoMod that can block links, emoji spam, and more!
Blocks all links, along with known bypassing methods. You should use this with allow keywords.
When enabled, this will block links without the https://
but this can cause some false negatives.
If your server discovers a new bypass, please report it in the Discord server.
Blocks Discord invite and offical server page links.
Include 3rd party invite links such as
Credits to Firecul for some of the third party invite URLs.
Prevents emoji spam in messages by setting a limit for each message.
Maximum number of standarad and custom emojis per message. The highest possible is 12 due to Discord limitations.
Zalgo text is designed to make the message obfucated, and be very annoying for other members. (e.g. h̵̅ͅȇ̴̫l̸͇͌l̸̝͛ȍ̴̱) Some complex emojis will be blocked.
When disabled, messages with accents will be allowed (e.g. héllo) but this can also cause some false negatives.
Prevents headings from being used to make message text larger.
Blocks links that show custom text and hide the actual link.
When enabled, it will only block inline links that appear as a domain. For example: [](
Blocks messages which contain subtext, which is smaller text that may be used to create convincing fake offical Discord notices.
Prevents email addresses from being sent.